Timeline — Pauli Murray Center

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Pauli Murray Born

Pauli Murray was born in Baltimore, Maryland to Agnes Fitzgerald and William Murray.
— November 20, 1910

Pauli Moves to Durham

Pauli Murray moves to Durham to live with their aunt, Pauline Fitzgerald Dame. Agnes had died of a cerebral hemorrhage and William was unable to care for the six children.
— 1914

Pauli’s Father Murdered

William Murray is murdered at Crownsville State Hospital by a white guard.
— 1923

Pauli Graduates High School

Murray graduates from Hillside High with a certificate of distinction. They received another high school diploma from Richmond Hills High School in New York in 1927 so that s/he could meet entrance requirements at Hunter College.
— 1926

Pauli Graduates College

Murray graduates from Hunter College and goes to work for the Works Project Admission (WPA), Workers Defense League, and as a teacher in the NYC Remedial Reading Project.
— 1933

Pauli Seeks Gender Affirming Treatment

Murray seeks gender-affirming medical treatment, including hormone therapy.
— 1937

Pauli Denied from UNC

S/he attempts to gain admission as a graduate student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. S/he is rejected due to racism. While the NAACP supports Murray in challenging the school’s segregationist policies, they decide not to pursue the case.
— 1938

Fellowship of Reconciliation

Murray joins the Fellowship of Reconciliation. While traveling through Virginia, s/he is arrested and jailed for refusing to sit on the back of a segregated bus.
— 1940

Howard Law School

S/he enters Howard Law School and is the only non-cisgender man in their class.
— 1941

Odell Waller Executed

Odell Waller is executed. Murray writes a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt on behalf of outraged leaders. S/he criticizes the presidents’ failure to improve conditions for Black southerners.
— 1942

Pauli Publishes Article in Common Sense

Murray publishes “Negroes are Fed Up” in Common Sense and an article about the Harlem race riot in the socialist newspaper New York Call. S/he also publishes their famous poem on race relations, “Dark Testament,” in the winter issue of South Today.
— 1943

Pauli Graduates Law School

Murray graduates from Howard Law School first in their class. S/he wins a prestigious fellowship and applies to Harvard Law. S/he is rejected because of her gender despite having President Roosevelt (an alumni of Harvard) write a letter on their behalf. S/he enrolls at University of California’s Boalt Hall Law School to work on a graduate degree in law.
— 1944

Receives Berkley Degree

S/he received a Masters of Law degree (L.L.M.) from University of California, Berkeley. Their master’s thesis is entitled, “The Right to Equal Opportunity in Employment.” S/he passes the California state bar.
— 1945

Pauli’s Aunt Retires

Aunt Pauline retires after teaching for 60 years and moves to NYC to live with Murray.
— 1945

Pauli Receives Award

Murray is named “Merit Award Winner” by Mademoiselle magazine for their legal work against racial and gender discrimination.
— 1947

Enters NYC City Council Race

Murray runs for and receives the fourth-highest vote total in the New York City council race for Brooklyn’s tenth Senatorial district.
— 1948

Wrote Important Law Compilation

— 1951

Falls Victim to McCarthyism

Murray is rejected for a U.S. State Department position administered at Cornell University because the people who supplied their references, Eleanor Roosevelt, Thurgood Marshall, and A. Phillip Randolph, are considered to be “too radical.”
— 1952

Aunt Pauline Dies

Pauli Murray’s Aunt Pauline dies. On her deathbed, Pauli reads to her from the Book of Common Prayer.
— 1955

Proud Shoes Published

Pauli Murray’s seminal work Proud Shoes: The Story of an American Family, a biography of their maternal grandparents, their struggles with racial prejudice, and early Durham history is published.
— 1956

Pauli is Hired at NY Firm

S/he is the only non-cisgender man hired by the NY firm of Paul, Weiss, Rifkin, Wharton, and Garrison. There, Murray meets their long-term romantic partner, Irene Barlow.
— 1956

Travels to Ghana

Murray travels to Ghana and takes a position as a senior lecturer at the Ghana School of Law in Accra.
— 1960

JFK Gives Pauli a Political Appointment

John F. Kennedy appoints Murray to the President’s Commission on the Status of Women Committee (PCSW) on Civil and Political Rights. Murray works with A. Phillip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and Martin L. King, Jr. on civil rights.
— 1961

Civil Rights Act Passed

U.S. Civil Rights Act passed. Murray co-authors “Jane Crow and the Law: Sex discrimination and Title VII,” in which s/he draws parallels between sex-based discrimination with Jim Crow laws.
— 1964

Receives J.S.D. from Yale

Murray receives a J.S.D from Yale, the first African-American to receive this degree from Yale. Their dissertation was entitled “Roots of the Racial Crisis: Prologue to Policy.”
— 1965

Pauli Serves on Co-Counsel

Murray serves as co-counsel in White v. Crook, which successfully eliminates the use of sex and race discrimination in jury selection.
— 1965-1966

Pauli Serves on ACLU Board

Murray serves on the National Board of Directors for the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
— 1965-1973

Pauli Founds NOW

Along with Betty Friedan and thirty others, Murray becomes a founding member of National Organization for Women (NOW).
— 1966

Works at Benedict College

Murray serves as vice-president of Benedict College in Columbia, SC.
— 1967

Becomes a Professor at Brandeis

Murray is tenured as Professor of Law and Politics at Brandeis University.
— 1968-1973

Starts Divinity Education

At age 62, Murray entered General Theological Seminary prior to the Episcopal Church’s approval of women as candidates for ordination.
— 1973

Becomes a Priest

Pauli Murray becomes the first Black person perceived as a woman to be ordained by the Protestant Episcopal Church. S/he offered the Eucharist for the first time on February 13 at Chapel of the Cross, Chapel Hill, NC where their grandmother Cornelia was baptized as an enslaved person.
— December 8, 1977

Pauli Retires

Murray is forced to retire because Episcopal Church law requires retirement at age seventy-two.
— 1982

Pauli Murray Dies

Pauli Murray dies in Pittsburgh, PA.
— July 1, 1985

Pauli’s Autobiography Published

Pauli Murray’s autobiography Song in a Weary Throat: An American Pilgrimage is published.
— 1987

Highway Marker Honors Murray

N.C. Department of Archives and History installs a state highway historic marker honoring Pauli Murray ¼ mile north of her childhood home in Durham.
— 2011

Pauli Receives Sainthood

Reverend Dr. Pauli Murray is elevated to the status of sainthood by their inclusion in the Book of Holy Women, Holy Men by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church.
— 2012