Education Resources — Pauli Murray Center

Education and Curriculum Resources


Building "True Community:" A Christian Education Curriculum Based in the Life and Legacy of the Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray

Created by Pauli Murray Center Fellow, Callie Swaim-Fox

This curriculum provides Christian educators and facilitators with resources to lead a four-week Christian education series about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray. Through Murray’s own words and the provided space to reflect, this resource will discuss the impact of Rev. Dr. Murray on our religious lives today.

You can find more information, the full curriculum (PDF format), and an invitation to share feedback below!


Durham Civil Rights Map

Created by Pauli Murray Center work-study students and interns from Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill

This is a community resource for teachers, students, residents and anyone interested in Durham, civil rights, human rights and social history. Each marker on the map includes photos, text, and audio. It is accessible on a phone, tablet or computer.


West End History Coloring Book

This downloadable coloring book lifts of the contributions of six former residents—Ernie Barnes, William Marsh, Jr., Pauli Murray, Benjamin Ruffin, Yusuf Salim, Peggy Tapp, and Daisy Gunn—of Durham’s West End Neighborhood.


What Are Pronouns? An Activity for All

Created by Sophia Ross-Hurtado, Pauli Murray Center staff

In this brief activity, learn more about pronouns and communication. This activity is accessible to people of all ages.


Pauli Murray: Understanding LGBTQ+ Identity: A Toolkit for Educators

Created by PBS Learning Media


In this video from First Person: Classroom, examine the life and legacy of one of America’s most influential equal rights leaders, Pauli Murray. Using video, discussion questions, teaching tips, and oral history activity, students learn about Pauli Murray and how her life intertwined with the Civil Rights and Women's Movement in the United States.


Pauli Murray: Imp, Crusader, Dude, Priest Exhibit Curriculum

Created by the Pauli Murray Center

GRADE LEVEL 3, 4, & 8

This is your portal for everything you need to teach about our Durham human rights hero Pauli Murray in your classroom.

The Pauli Murray Project developed a curriculum for 3rd, 4th, and 8th grade classrooms to accompany the exhibit. It is designed to ignite thinking about students’ own places in history and their skills as readers, writers, and citizens. Curriculum is tied to Common Core and NC Standards and centers on a fieldtrip to the exhibit.


Pauli Murray: Civil & Women’s Rights Trailblazer

Created by Davis Harper as part of the 2017 Carolina Oral History Teaching Fellows Program in Civil Rights, sponsored by UNC-Chapel Hill’s Southern Oral History Program and Carolina K-12


This lesson will provide an overview of Pauli Murray’s incredible work, perseverance and accomplishments through class lecture and interactive discussion, and most importantly, through her own words. Infused throughout the lesson are seven oral history clips from a 1976 interview with Pauli Murray, housed at UNC-Chapel Hill’s Southern Oral History Program. This lesson will ultimately broaden student understanding of the Civil Rights Movement in terms of the heightened challenges (and thus fight) faced by African American women, as well as bring to the forefront one of the most impactful trailblazers for civil and women’s rights.


Pauli Murray: Fighting Jane and Jim Crow

Created by Teaching Tolerance


This lesson is part of The Role of Gay Men and Lesbians in the Civil Rights Movement series. This series introduces students to four lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people of African descent, and their allies. All four—James Baldwin, Lorraine Hansberry, Pauli Murray, Bayard Rustin—were indispensable to the ideas, strategies and activities that made the civil rights movement a successful political and social revolution.


PMC Gender Expansive Zine

Created by the 2023 Summer Firebrands, the Pauli Murray Center’s Gender Expansive Zine explores gender identity and expression through a Black feminist lens. Our zine connects Pauli Murray’s journey with gender to the contemporary ways that we view and imagine our own gender journey(s). Including a fun quiz, different resources for further exploration, and more; grab your friends or just a journal and spend some time re-imaging what gender does and could look like in our world.