Christian Edu. Curriculum — Pauli Murray Center

Building "True Community" Christian Education Curriculum


This curriculum provides Christian educators and facilitators with resources to lead a four-week Christian education series about The Rev. Dr. Pauli Murray, with an optional visit to the Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice on the fifth week. Through Murray’s own words and the provided space to reflect, this resource will discuss the impact of Rev. Dr. Murray on our religious lives today.

This resource is completely free to use and design to be facilitated by anyone. If you would like to request a member of the Pauli Murray Center team to assist with facilitating, please reach out to us via our speaker request form.

To request your Week 5: Exploring Sacred Ground site visit, click here.

PMC is grateful to Archival Fellow, Callie Swaim-Fox for providing us with this powerful and embodied curriculum. We hope you enjoy encountering Pauli Murray’s pixie spirit in their own words!

Curriculum PDF

This non-denominational curriculum was created for adult learners but can be adapted for young adults or teens if desired. 

All sessions can stand alone and are designed to take approximately an hour.

Curriculum Feedback

We invite you to give us feedback! With your comments, we can continue to make this curriculum relevant and current!

For any questions or assistance, please contact Anjalique Abernathy at